Chia Week – My Seed Crackers

These little beauties are my favourite thing lately. I don’t/can’t eat bread and other grains and I just don’t work well together a lot of the time. But these seeds crackers and I understand each other well.
‘Necessity is the Mother of Invention’.

Use any seeds you like – just make sure at least a third of the mixture is either flax meal or chia seeds, as this is what holds them together. I sometimes also add coconut or almond pulp leftover from making milk, or goji berries, cayenne, paprika, onion or garlic powder, rosemary. And then there’s the sweet ones using maple syrup, crushed cinnamon and pecans. Add some good salt and enough water to make a wet dough. Let it sit for 10-15 minutes to allow the chia and/or flaxmeal to get gooey. Spread to about half a centimetre then score them in the sizes you want. Dehydrate for 12 hrs on 175, then flip and give them another 3 hours. Or In the oven – 150oC for 90 minutes Turn the oven off and leave them in there for another hour. They should be cruncheeeee. Store in an airtight container in the fridge for a week. #hempcrackers #janellapurcell

1 cup of water
1 cup mixed seeds like hemp, chia, sunflower, poppy and sesame seeds; and also flax meal and pepitas
1 tsp Himalayan or Murray River salt (or any good salt)

Preheat oven to 150oC. In a mixing bowl combine the ingredients well, then season with 1/2 tsp good salt. Leave to sit for about 10 minutes to allow the chia and flax to get gooey. This holds the cracker together.

Line a baking tray and using wet hands or a spatula, evenly flatten the mixture – getting right into the corners. Make it about .5cm thick – so really thin – then score as you like. Bake fro 90 mins then turn the oven off and leave them in there for another hour. #SeedCrackers #ChiaWeek

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