It’s a good idea to leave eggs out of your diet during your 40 Day Reset, or at least reduce the amount you’re currently eating. They can tend to irritate some people’s gut lining, and others find them difficult to tolerate at all, ever. If you don’t have an egg allergy, you can re-introduce them, but for some people living with auto-immunity, egg whites may be inflammatory, so in this case they’ll need to be permanently removed, however. Yolks tend to be better tolerated, in general. If we can properly digest them then eggs are a great source of nutrients for us, but be very mindful about the types of eggs you choose, and that in itself is a pretty confusing thing as there are so many loopholes and lack of transparency in their labelling. It doesn’t normally tells us if the hens have been humanely or sustainably raised, unless they have been. Ideally, you want eggs from chickens that have access to the outdoors, and actually go outside, where they can consume their natural diet and live as close to naturally as possible. Yet even so there are still significant differences even between “cage-free” and “free range” (or “pastured”) eggs. With so many loopholes and lack of transparency, it can be very confusing to sort through it all. Check out this App to help you decide on which eggs to buy. *CluckAR.
- Organic: your best option, apart from keeping your own hens. Organic eggs come from chickens fed only organic food, which means they will not have accumulated high levels of pesticides from the grains (mostly genetically modified [GM] corn) that are typically fed to chickens. Plus they’re not allowed to be fed antibiotics.
- Free-range or “pasture-fed” organic eggs are a much better choice than ‘cage-eggs’ as they will provide you with more nutrients, plus they haven’t been treated so badly. Their feed is still a problem though.
- ‘Cage-Free’ on a label does not mean the chickens were raised under anything close to ideal conditions, quite the contrary. They may not be raised in cages, but they don’t necessarily have access to the outdoors either, nor does it take into account what the hens are fed. These type of eggs are to be avoided at all costs, as they are far more likely to be contaminated with disease-causing bacteria such as salmonella, and they’re fed grain containing high levels of pesticides, mostly genetically modified (GM) corn, and antibiotics.