How much protein do we need daily? Well it does depend on your level of activity, but basically for women – 46g daily and men – 56g daily.
Protein levels in food in grams per 100grams
Hemp protein powder – (97)
Spirulina (68)
Hemp seeds (50)
Tofu, organic (48)
Beef (36)
Soybeans, organic (35)
Nori (35)
Pumpkin Seeds (33)
Goats Cheese hard (30.5),
Lentils 25 BPA
Sustainable Fish (25)
Sunflower Seeds (24)
Sardines 24 (sustainable)
Goats Cheese, medium (23.5)
Tempeh, organic (20)
Flax seeds (20)
Almonds (19)
Cacao powder (18)
Goats Cheese, soft (18.52)
Quinoa, local (18)
Oats (17)
Amaranth (16)
Spelt (15)
Wakame seaweed (13)
Quark (13)
Egg, organic (13)
Goji berries (11.7)
Sourdough Bread (10)
Goats feta (8.2)
Goats yoghurt (5)
Goats milk (3.1)
To compare red meat has around 15-25g, fish 22g and chicken 15-25g.