Arthritis affects women 3 times more than men. Arthritis, like other conditions that end in ‘itis’ – sinusitis, laryngitis and colitis – is an inflammatory condition.
Refined and highly processed oils also need to be avoided. These are the type that usually come in big plastic bottles labelled vegetable, palm or canola oil, and margarine also has no place on this earth. GMO crops by their very nature are terribly inflammatory so really need to be watched out for and avoided. They not only cause inflammation but also destroy any chance of proper mineral absorption, which can reduce bone density. Acidic foods will also cause cartilage to dissolve, causing bones to rub together and become even more inflamed. These foods have to be removed or at least seriously reduced. Red meat is another acid-forming food, as is cow’s dairy, refined white flourand grains and sugar.
There is so much food out there that we are only just starting to explore. This also means that we’ve been eating too much of the same food for far too long now. And it’s been mainly highly processed and refined food with a long shelf life. By the way, asparagus is the only truly alkaline vegie, and melons being the only alkaline fruit. Introduce sprouts, cereal grasses and sea vegies to alkalise your diet.
By chewing your food you are increasing its alkalinity, so slow down your eating by practising ‘mindful eating’ – be aware of chewing every mouthful and savour every flavour and texture. Meditation, peacefulness, love, yoga and kindness all have a wonderfully alkalising effect also.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Drinking about one tablespoon of raw apple cider vinegar diluted in a third of a cup of warm or room temperature (clean or preferably alkaline) water once a day is a great way to aid digestion and alkalise your body. This stuff is magic. If you find it too difficult to ‘stomach’, then mix a little raw honey, as honey is neutral on the acid/alkaline chart.
Turmeric is a wonderful spice to add into your daily life along with its cousin, ginger. Either grate them into your smoothie or add either or both to your casseroles, grains, soups or roast vegies – perhaps add some garlic for it’s strong medicinal qualities also.
Aloe Vera
The pulp from this wonderful plant has ‘mucilaginouos’ qualities, which means it will help to bulid up cartlaige. For best results, drink the juice on an empty tummy.
Hemp is wonderful for reducing pain and the other symptoms of arthritis, thanks to its wonderful
omega oils working their anti- inflammatory magic. Use the seeds in your smoothie or sprinkle them over just about anything, keeping them raw. The oil is wonderful to use in a salad dressing or topically on affected areas.
Zinc improves immunity so include foods high in this mineral – pepitas, alfalfa, mushrooms, oysters and nuts.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is an anti-inflammatory vitamin found in abundance in the Australian bush tucker food, gubinge (aka Kakadu plum). This stuff is seriously high in vitamin C. It comes as a powder from health food stores, so again add it into your smoothie, or sprinkle a teaspoon over your meals before serving. (Vitamin C doesn’t like to be heated.
Micro Greens
Micro greens, such as barley, wheat grass and spirulina, are wonderful for not only their ‘cooling’ effect, but also due to their mineral and enzyme- dense nature, plus they’re alkalining. I use Lifestream green powders like ‘Essential Greens +’, ‘Ultimate Veggies’, #chlorella and #spirulina.
Image – hot lemon water with grated fresh ginger and turmeric, cayenne and raw honey. Make it a morning ritual. #lifestream