Article: Wellness in perspective
JANELLA PURCELL talks us through her health predictions and tells us how we can make 2016 your year of healing and health.
Beating stress: Cortisol is the main stress hormone released by our adrenal glands when we’re in a state of ‘flight or flight’. The hormones released by our adrenal glands – adrenaline, cortisol, norepinephrine, DHEA, sex hormones and others – need to be in a delicate balance to be working effectively for us; if not they will cause all sorts of issues with our weight, thyroid health, energy levels, to our skin, hair, mood, libido, appetite, and motivation – everything really. And having one more kale smoothie is not the answer, nor is starving yourself, or pushing yourself to do daily 6am CrossFit classes. Beat It: 2016 is going to put a spotlight on our hormones and why they’re so messed up. Correct nutrition is so important as many of us know, but it is only part of the solution. Just like a seed, we need more than just food. We need sunlight, clean water, a time for rest, for growth, for rejuvenation and transformation. Being in a constant state of fear that something really bad is going to happen is damaging our health far more than many of us realise.
Beating adrenal fatigue: A 21st century epidemic? Yes, I believe so. Adrenal fatigue is likely to become the new black in healthcare, and rightly so. This increasingly common condition is the result of years of ‘burning the candle at both ends’. Our 24/7 lifestyles have caught up on us: we are over-busy and we eat poorly and often don’t sleep enough, and we don’t make time to do the things we love and need to do….Click here to see full article..