- Sleep. It is important to get at least 8 hours sleep a night, and if possible an hour’s nap during the day. Less than this will lead to oxidative stress (not good).
- Reduce or stop smoking, or at least stop smoking tailor made cigarettes. Roll your own if you’re continuing to smoke, and look for organic or at least ‘chemical-free’ tobacco.
- Reduce your intake of alcohol. Choose sulphur-free alcohol where you can.
- Get adequate rest (apart from sleep), fresh air and exercise.
- Reduce stressful relationships and situations, and deal with underlying emotional issues. This is so, so important.
- Avoid drinking tap water.
- Avoid produce grown with chemicals such as pesticides, fertilisers, fungicides and herbicides. Buy organic where you can.
- Avoid processed foods.
- Whatever brings you joy – do that more often.