I grated 2 tbsp fresh turmeric and 2 tbsp fresh ginger.
I smashed and chopped 4 garlic cloves and 4 lemongrass stalks.
I simmered this together with 2 cups coconut oil for a few minutes, then let it sit for a couple of days – stirring whenever I walk past.
If it solidifies in these cooler months then re-heat it, stir, then turn off.
After 2 days, or even overnight, strain it, let It cool then put in a wide-mouth jar – not a bottle as it will solidify in the cool weather and it’ll be impossible to get out.
It’ll keep for months out of fridge.
It smells amazing, and is a good example of ‘how to use food as medicine’.
Use it to cook your stir-fry veggies, curry, dahl, eggs, soup – pretty much anything. It’s A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.
(All from my garden besides the coconut oil.)