Vitamn C is really important here. Studies have shown that when your adrenal glands release cortisol (a stress hormone), your Vitamin c levels drop dramatically.
We are only 1 of 2 mammals that don’t make Vitamin C, so its essential we get enough from your food. This is practically impossible when your stress hormones are going nuts 24/7! Vitamin C stays in your body only for about 2 hours so you need to take it 2-3 times a day for the best results.
This is a time for supplementation, and you can dose Vitamin C pretty high in this case. I recommend the powder as I find it much easier to take a lot of it, (rather than swallow a thousand tablets). Or in more chorine cases – infusions. I recommend 2 a week for a month. (Warning – pricey.)
Lifestream powder – start low on 500mg a few times a day, and keep going until you reach 5g twice a day, or until you start to get cramps in your abdomen. This means your own individual needs have been met.