Despite its high proportion (41%) of polyunsaturated (Omega-6) fatty acids, it is the least prone to turn rancid.This is due to the naturally high level of antioxidants present in this oil. Sesame oil has a high smoke point of 177oC and is suitable for high temperature cooking. Semi- refined sesame oil is higher smoke point at 232oC. While the dark sesame oil – from roasted sesame seeds – has a slightly lower smoke point and is best used at lower temperatures like stir frying or sauteeing. Roasted sesame oil is often used as a seasoning thanks to its disctint flavour. Sesame oil has been used as a healing oil for thousands of years. Personally I wouldn’t fry in sesame oil, but use it as a flavouring. This is another great oil to use topically and has so many health benefits when used raw, or just slightly heated. #CookingOilsWeek