Diet for Endo’ is so important, as is exercise and stress management.
With red meat it’s not just ham – bacon need to be avoided also, and for the same reasons. (I was surprised and happy to see nitrate, colour and preservative free bacon in Woollies last night. It was 400g reduced from $8 to $5. Not organic though – but still…it’s better than conventional bacon.)
Foods to Include. Remember that your salmon needs to be ‘Wild Alaskan Salmon’ – which usually means canned, as it’s difficult to find anything but farmed salmon in Oz. And any animal products need to be organic so as to avoid the hormones, antibiotics and GMO ingredients (all bad estrogens/hormone disruptors) in the feed.
– It is really important to eat a diet free of processed oils and carbohydrates. Include some whole grains, fresh fruit and lots of vegetables, nuts and seeds. Eat mostly a plant-based diet including legumes and lentils.
– Alfalfa and kale containing Vitamin K promotes normal blood clotting
– Sea vegies contain iodine, which will aid in proper thyroid function. They also help you detox from heavy metals
– Lots of green leafy vegetables
– Omega 3 oils from hemp, chia, flax, walnuts and seaweeds; and sustainably -caught seafood